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Daily Market Insight

Daily Market Insight: 21 July 2022

• China’s holdings of U.S. Treasury fall below $1 trillion since 2010 • UK inflation rises to 40-Year High of 9.4% in June • Japan posts trade deficit for the 11th month in June as energy imports surge • Euro surges to two-week high as markets bet on ECB’s action

22 July 2022

Daily Market Insight: 20 July 2022

• US Building Permits Fall for 3rd Month • Euro Area Inflation Rate Confirmed at 8.6% • UK Jobless Rate Steady at 3.8% • Dollar Set to Fall for 4th Straight Session

20 July 2022

Daily Market Insight: 19 July 2022

• U.S. retail sales rose more than expected as more price-driven in June during record-high in inflation • Russia's war worsens the EU economic outlook • China's growth slows in the second quarter amid Zero-COVID policy • EURUSD remains depressed amid damp mood

19 July 2022

Daily Market Insight: 18 July 2022

• US Consumer Sentiment Rebounds from Record Low • US Business Inventories Above Expectations • China steps up loan-support efforts to developers amid mortgage boycott • Asia shares bounce, euro on edge for ECB and gas test

18 July 2022

Daily Market Insight: 14 July 2022

• U.S. annual consumer inflation posts largest increase since 1981 at 9.1% • EU slashes euro zone growth outlook, expects higher inflation • The Yield Curve Inversion Extends to its Largest Point Since 2000 • Euro back above parity, dollar dips after inflation surges

14 July 2022

Daily Market Insight: 07 July 2022

• Fed Says More Restrictive Stance Could be Needed • US Job Openings Remain Near Record Highs • US Services PMI Revised Higher • Stocks in the doldrums as euro founders on recession fears

7 July 2022

Daily Market Insight: 06 July 2022

• Euro Hits 20-Year Low as PMI Shows Growth Stalling • China’s June Services Activity Grow the Fastest in Almost a Year • Australia's central bank raises rates for third month, still more to come • Recession fear puts Dollar on course for biggest gain since 2020

6 July 2022

Daily Market Insight: 05 July 2022

• Eurozone PPI Inflation Eases More Than Expected • Japan Composite PMI Confirmed at 7-Month Peak • South Korea Inflation Hits 24-Year High • Thailand Inflation Rate Highest in Near 14 Years • Dollar Firms Up on Fed Rate Hike Bets, Gold Muted

5 July 2022

Daily Market Insight: 04 July 2022

• China's June factory activity expands at fastest pace in 13 months • U.S. factory activity slows to two-year low as clouds gather over economy • Oil prices slip as recession fears rumble on, tight supply stems losses • Dollar Edges Higher, Lifted by Safe Haven Demand

4 July 2022

Daily Market Insight: 01 July 2022

• U.S. consumer spending, underlying inflation slow in May • China’s June factory activities expand as COVID-19 curbs ease • Japan business mood worsens on hit from China's lockdown, rising costs • Euro reverses fall, dollar drops ahead of euro zone price data

1 July 2022