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ttb reserve signature credit card

The privileges that exclusively and truly exemplifies perfection
excellence and are ready to propel you to the pinnacle of financial
Use as needed and repay the full amount as scheduled. You will not pay interest of 7%.

Exclusive Annual Bonus Point Reward

For clients holding a portfolio consisting of deposits and/or mutual fund investments and/or structured notes and/or life insurance and/or non-life insurance


Total Product Value

Conditions for Earning Exclusive
Annual Bonus Point Reward
Annual Bonus
Points Earned
30 MB or higher

A total balance of 20 million baht or higher
in mutual fund investments (all types)
and/or structured notes
and no less than 1 million baht
in premiums paid on life insurance
and/or non-life insurance
A total balance of 20 million baht or higher
in mutual fund investments (all types)
and/or structured notes
or no less than 1 million baht
in premiums paid on life insurance
and/or non-life insurance


A deposit product or a total balance
of less than 20 million baht
in mutual fund investments (all types)
and less 1 million baht
in premiums paid on life insurance
and/or non-life insurance


A deposit product only


Total Product Value

Conditions for Earning Exclusive
Annual Bonus Point Reward
Annual Bonus Points Earned

5 – 30 MB

A total balance of 5 million baht or higher
in mutual fund investments (all types)
and/or structured notes
and no less than 5 hundred thousand baht
in premiums paid on life insurance
and/or non-life insurance
A total balance of 5 million baht or higher
in mutual fund investments (all types)
and/or structured notes
or no less than 5 hundred thousand baht
in premiums paid on life insurance
and/or non-life insurance
A total balance of 5 million baht or higher
in mutual fund investments (all types)
and/or structured notes
and less than 5 hundred thousand baht
in premiums paid on life insurance
and/or non-life insurance
A deposit product only 10,000

Terms and Conditions for Earning Exclusive Annual Bonus Point Reward

  • Exclusively for ttb reserve visa infinite primary credit cardholders with the Bank's required total assets under management.
  • Eligibility for First-Year Bonus Point Reward
    • Customer who have combined average assets under management with ttb, consisting of deposits and/or mutual fund investments and/or structured notes and/or total premiums paid on life and/or non-life insurance in the previous 12 months as per the Bank's conditions, will receive the first-year bonus point reward within 60 days after the date the credit card application is approved.
      Note: Customer whose credit card is approved between September and November will receive 25% of first-year bonus point reward shown in the table above.
    • Existing and new customers who do not meet the conditions specified by the Bank but have increased their deposits and/or mounts and mutual fund investments and/or structured notes and/or premiums paid on life insurance and/or non-life insurance specified by the Bank and maintained total balance for 3 months, including the month the credit card is approved, will receive the first-year bonus point reward within 60 days of the due date.
      Note: Customer whose credit card is approved between September and November will receive 25% of first-year bonus point reward shown in the table above.
  • To qualify for the following year's annual bonus point reward, simply maintain a total balance of deposits and/or mutual fund investments, and/or premiums paid on life insurance and/or non-life insurance for the previous 6 months (June to November), as specified by the Bank, to receive the annual bonus point reward by January of the following year.
  • The Bank reserves the right to offer a special bonus point reward only once per year.

Point Calculation Rules

  • Fixed deposit accounts of all types (including ttb ME Fixed Deposit) Calculated based on the average month-end balance over three months, including the month in which the credit card is approved, to determine special reward points for the first year, and based on the average month-end balance over six months (June to November) for special reward points in subsequent years.
  • All types of mutual fundsCalculated based on the current value (at cost) compared to the Net Asset Value (NAV) as of the end of each month. The average balance over three months, including the month of credit card approval, is used to determine special reward points for the first year, and based on the average balance over six months (June to November) for special reward points in subsequent years.
  • Structured notes or debentures with embedded derivativesCalculated based on the average month-end balance over three months, including the month in which the credit card is approved, to determine special reward points for the first year, and based on the average balance over six months (June to November) for special reward points in subsequent years.
  • Life insurance and/or casualty insurance policies, including both main contracts and additional riders, are calculated based on the total insurance premium paid within the previous 12 months. The customer must be the insured person, the free look period must have expired, and the policy must remain in force.
  • The Bank reserves the right to amend or cancel the terms, conditions, timeframe, and privileges as deemed appropriate. Any changes will be communicated in advance through official bank channels.

Exclusive privileges for ttb reserve signature credit cardholders

Enjoy exclusive privileges including discounts and wide-ranging perks with ttb reserve credit card

Free foreign currency conversion risk 2.5%1

Take pleasure in your spending in foreign2
currencies and pay less while earning points.

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Earn points for every 10 baht spent

Applicable to spending both in Thailand and abroad (from a regular rate of earning 1 point for every 25 baht spent)

Earn 2x Reward Points

(Or equivalent to earning 1 point for every 5 baht spent)

  • When spending online1
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Exclusive privileges with a 0% interest installment plan for up to 6 months.

Product purchases with Thanachart Insurance Public Company Limited TMB Thanachart Broker Company Limited and Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited (This privilege will not be factored into the bonus point reward system)

Discounts and services at THANN

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Receive up to 25% discount (in the form of cashback)
from top fine dining restaurants

A dedicated reservation service is available via the ttb reserve line 02-010-1428.

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Earn discounts and services
from leading hospitals

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24-hour Personal Assistant Service

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Exclusive travel privileges

Exclusive privileges when spending with ttb reserve credit card and enjoy discounts and wide-ranging perks

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Family Travel Insurance Services

Travel with confidence and ensure your family is covered for both domestic and international journeys with a maximum insurance coverage limit of 16,000,000 baht when paying travel fare, air ticket, or tour packages with ttb reserve signature credit card.

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Exclusive personal financial advisors and personal investments

The privileges of having access to financial planning and investing services tailored to individual needs by a team of experts.

Private Wealth Advisor

Access to financial and investment advisors specializing in financial and portfolio management to provide systematic planning services and advice leveraged from global fund management firms.

Proactive Portfolio Monitoring

Attentively monitor the market and portfolio changes to avoid missing out on significant opportunities.

Personalized Service

Receive updates on economic and investment prospects and market analysis from a team of Thai and international market specialists, as well as suggestions for products and services suited to individual's needs.

ttb reserve credit
cardholder qualification

ttb reserve line
is available
24 hours a day.