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Investor FAQ

Company Information

Get to know TMBThanachart Bank


After the accomplishment of the merger between “TMB Bank” and “Thanachart Bank” at the end of 2019, TMBThanachart Bank or TTB was emerged with an intention to combine the core unique strengths of the two banks that complement each other and to be one of the leading financial institutions. Moreover, the Bank strives to improve a life-long financial well-being for Thai people and become the recommended bank of choice by our customers.

For more information click here

Who are the major shareholders of TMBThanachart Bank?


Top three major shareholders of TMBThanachart Bank are ING BANK N.V., Thanachart Capital PCL and Ministry of Finance.

For more information of shareholder structure click here

Where can I find the list of TMBThanachart Bank’s subsidiaries?


For the information of corporate group structure please click here

Where can I find factsheet of TMBThanachart Bank?


The factsheet of TMBThanachart Bank is available quarterly click here

Financial Statements

What is TMBThanachart Bank’s accounting period?


TMBThanachart Bank’s accounting period begins on 1st January and ends on 31st December of every year.

What is the disclosure schedule of the Bank’s financial documents and disclosure channels?


The disclosure schedules are as follows:

Monthly Disclosure

  • Summary Statement of Assets and Liabilities or C.B. 1.1 will be available to public within 21 days after the end of each month. For more information click here
  • Capital Ratio report will be available to public within 21 days after the end of each month. For more information click here

Quarterly Disclosure

  • The unreviewed/unaudited consolidated financial statement will be available to public within 21 days after the end of each quarter together with Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A).
  • The reviewed consolidated financial statement will be available to public within 45 days after the end of the first and the third quarter
  • The reviewed consolidated financial statement will be available to public within 60 days after the end of the second (half-year period) and the fourth quarter (annual period)

    For financial statements click here. For Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) click here

Other documents

  • Investor presentation for analyst and investor meeting will be posted on IR webpage on the date of the event. For more information click here
  • Liquidity Coverage Ratio report according to Bank of Thailand criteria will be disclosed on the IR webpage within 4 months after the end of the half-year period (June) and the end of the year (December). For more information click here

Where can I find TMBThanachart Bank’s annual reports?


Annual reports are available for downloading on the IR webpage in the PDF file version. For more information click here

How can I keep updated on the Bank’s financial performance?


TMBThanachart Bank usually holds an analyst meeting to communicate our quarterly financial performance with investor and analyst community. Normally, the event will be arranged within 3 days after the financial statement announcement.

The meeting for investors and analysts is held both at TMBThanachart Bank Headquarter and via virtual meeting or conference call.

The Bank also attends investor relation events arranged by external organizations such as SET Opportunity Day held by the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and investor events held by securities companies.

For the upcoming investor activities, please keep update at our event calendar ( click here ) or watch our analyst meeting video recording at our Webcast menu ( click here )

TTB Shares

Where is the ttb share listed? What is the stock symbol?


TMBThanachart Bank’s shares are listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) in financial and banking sector. The stock symbols on the main board is TTB and the stock symbol on the foreign board is TTB-F.

What is TMBThanachart Bank’s registered and paid-up capital? How many listed shares do the Bank have?


For TTB’s registered capital, paid-up capital and the number of listed shares, please click here

What is the percentage of foreign shareholding limit for TTB’s shares?


The current foreign shareholding limit for TTB’s shares is 49% of the total registered and paid-up capital. For the latest foreign shareholding ratio, the investors can contact Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited (TSD), which is TTB’s share registrar, at Tel: 02-009-9999

Who should I contact if I would like to know how much TTB’s shares do I currently hold or have any inquiry about share related documents?


You can contact your brokerage company (Broker) that you have an account with or contact Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited (TSD) Tel: 02-009-9999.

Transaction related to TTB’s shares


The Bank staff are not allowed to proceed any transactions for shareholders. Thus, shareholders or investors can contact brokerage company (Broker) where you have an account with for any transaction related to TTB’s stock. For shareholders who hold TTB’s share certificates, please contact TSD.

TTB’s Warrant (TTB-W1)

FAQ about TTB-W1 (Thai only)


Download documentation about TTB-W1


For those who want to download documents about TTB-W1, please click

Dividend Policy

Dividend Policy


The Bank has set out a policy on the dividend payment from financial statements (Bank only). The dividend payment is subject to the Bank’s operating performance, the long-term benefits to the Bank’s shareholders, the Bank’s capital adequacy and reserve requirements as well as the relevant legal conditions and BOT’s Notification. In addition, the dividend payment must comply with the Bank’s Articles of Association number 43 which states that dividend shall not be paid other than out of profits, and if the Company still has accumulated losses, no dividend shall be paid.

The Board of Directors may pay an interim dividend to shareholders when it considers that the Bank has adequate profit, deems appropriate to make the payment, and report the interim dividend payments to the shareholders at its next shareholders’ meeting.

What is the Company’s dividend payment policy?


The Bank has set out a policy on the dividend payment from financial statements (Bank only). The dividend payment is subject to the Bank’s operating performance, the long-term benefits to the Bank’s shareholders, the Bank’s capital adequacy and reserve requirements as well as the relevant legal conditions and BOT’s Notification. In addition, the dividend payment must comply with the Bank’s Articles of Association number 43 which states that dividend shall not be paid other than out of profits, and if the Company still has accumulated losses, no dividend shall be paid. Normally, the Bank pays dividend once a year. The dividends are paid out within 1 month after the date of the shareholder meeting approving such dividend payment.

Dividend payment history


After TMB Transformation in 2008, the Bank’s strategy and way of work have been changed, resulting in the improvement of the Bank operational performance. In 2010, the Bank was able to pay dividends again after 14 years. After that, the Bank continues to pay dividends every year. For more information of dividend payment history ( Click here )

Contact us

How to contact Investor Relations?


Email: ir.ttb@ttbbank.com