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ttb the exclusive savings

ttb the exclusive savings

A high-yield savings account that ensures your financial stability and helps grow your wealth for passing on to your children.

Product Highlights

Worthwhile with special interest rate.

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Get floating interest + bonus interest at a high rate from the first Baht.

Get consistent returns with semi-annual interest payment that’s just like long-term savings.

No longer afraid to forget your premium payment with direct debit from your deposit account.

Secure your children’s future.

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Pass on wealth to your children with today’s savings.

Product details

Account Details

  • ttb the exclusive savings can be opened at ttb Branch only.
  • The Depositor must have ttb the Treasure (88/8) life insurance purchased via ttb in order to open ttb the exclusive account.
  • The Depositor can open ttb the exclusive savings account based on the number of ttb the Treasure (88/8) policy in possession, which is set at 1 account per 1 policy. The account so opened must be a private individual account and can be either a single account or joint account. In this regard, the person who opens the single account or joint account must have the same name as the policy owner (the insured) or the premium payer and the person who opens the account must meet the eligibility criteria set by the Bank. The Depositor is not permitted to use an alias for account opening or open the account on behalf of a third person or allow any other person to use such account.
  • The Depositor must open the account and make only one deposit transaction in the amount equal to the premium on ttb the Treasure (88/8) for the remaining period of 7 years (not including the first installment which has already been paid). Account opening and money deposit can be processed within 30 days after the Depositor has applied for ttb the Treasure (88/8) with the Bank.
  • The Depositor must have ttb all free or ttb basic account as a linked account for transfer transactions with ttb the exclusive savings account. The linked account must bear the same name as ttb the exclusive savings account, thereby enabling the Bank to transfer money from ttb the exclusive savings to the linked account for further direct debit of ttb the Treasure (88/8) premium in an equal amount every year. In this regard, money will be transferred 1 business day before the premium payment’s due date throughout the policy life. The Bank will also transfer the interest from ttb the exclusive savings to the linked account twice a year in June and December of each year.
  • Cannot be used in conjunction with debit cards of all types, or to apply for SMS alert/Promptpay/direct debit/direct credit as well as automatic transfer system services.
  • Cannot be used in conjunction with all types of debit card or to apply for SMS alert/Promptpay/direct debit/direct credit as well as automatic transfer system services.
  • ttb the exclusive savings cannot be used to receive money transfer from other deposit accounts.
  • Partial withdrawal is not allowed. Withdrawal must be in full amount as deposited and account closing must be made at the Branch only.
  • After ttb the Treasure (88/8) premium payment for 7 years has been complete, the Bank will transfer the last outstanding interest after withholding tax according to the Revenue Department’s Regulations to the linked account and automatically close ttb the exclusive savings account.
  • Interest rates and other conditions shall be as announced by the Bank. Changes, if any, shall be notified to the service users via the Bank’s Office and website.

Interest rate


Check interest rate at menu interest rate and fee

Interest Payment


Interest is calculated on a daily basis and shall be credited to the Depositor’s account semi-annually in June and December of each year.

Application Documents

  • National ID card.
  • ttb all free or ttb basic passbook to be used as linked account for transferring premium payment and receiving deposit interest from ttb the exclusive savings.