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TMBThanachart announced its first interim dividend payment after merger at THB 0.02 per share, reflecting the bank’s well-on track operating performance and strong financial position.

On 23 August 2022, TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited or TMBThanachart notified the Stock Exchange of Thailand that its Board of Directors’ Meeting has passed a resolution to approve interim dividend payment from the Bank’s first 6-month performance at the rate of THB 0.02 per share or a total of THB 1,933 million. The ex-dividend (XD) date is September 5, 2022 and the dividend payment date (cash dividend) is September 22, 2022.

Mr. Piti Tantakasem, CEO, mentioned “Since the completion of merger mission in July 2021, the Bank’s operating performance has continued to improve and with the BoT’s dividend policy relaxation, the Bank therefore proposed for Board of Directors’ approval for an interim dividend payment, in addition to a normal practice of a one-time dividend payment from full year profit. This reflects our commitment to deliver quality growth and sustainable returns to our shareholders.

In terms of operating performance of the first 6 months of 2022, TMBThanachart reported net profit of THB 6,633 million, a 25% increase from the same period last year. Asset quality is also in line with target, reflected by NPL ratio which is at 2.63%, relatively low when compared to industry average level. Capital base remains robust. The Bank’s capital ratio is currently as high as 20% and is among the top tiers in banking industry.”